A Heartwarming Comedy by Luis Santeiro
"Nuestra Señora de la Tortilla" is a hilarious and heartwarming comedy that explores the chaos within the Cruz family when one of them sees the image of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla. As this miraculous event spirals out of control, it brings together believers, reporters, and a whirlwind of family dynamics that highlight the endurance of family love.
Meet the Cast & Crew
The Bilingual Foundation of the Arts has brought together a talented and diverse group of professionals to bring this heartwarming and comedic story to life. The cast, made up of experienced actors, brings depth, humor, and emotional resonance to their roles, creating an engaging portrayal of a family navigating chaos and miracles. Behind the scenes, the dedicated crew has worked tirelessly to ensure that every element of the production reflects the authenticity and cultural richness of the play. Together, they create a seamless and immersive experience that highlights the best of bilingual theater.